Saturday, 19 December 2020

2021 Trainings/Workshops

Leaning In: Centering Circles
A group for therapists & facilitators to meet to consult about their work in the expressive arts realm.  A place of support, non-judgment, connection and leaning in with one another as we offer ourselves in service of others in creative ways.  

Dates: January 23, February 20, March 20, April 17, 2021
Time: 9:30 - 11:30
Location: On-Line - Zoom
Cost: $100 per 2 hour session

Three Day Training in Body-Focused Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents

When: February 25 - 27, 2021
Where: On-Line - Zoom 
Cost: $600 on or before January 20, 2021 & $630 after
Payment Methods: e-transfer to

Overview: This three day training will provide participants with a comprehensive framework for treating traumatized children & teens. This four- phase, resource-oriented model is grounded in attachment theory, the psychophysiology of trauma, CBT, and expressive arts therapy. It is based on Carmen’s book, “Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents: A Four-Phase Model”.

Training Objectives: To provide a practical, structured framework that guides assessment & treatment processes. To learn structured, arts-based, sensory interventions to effectively treat key trauma reactions and promote self-regulation. To increase clinical skills such as working with a resource-oriented lens, tracking client sensory processes, & working with the body, art & relationship.

About the four-phase model: “Although rich with creative activities, the author quickly establishes that these are not to be approached as a ‘recipe’ of activities to pick and choose from, but as strategically placed activities to support the larger picture of helping children develop the resilience needed to experience posttraumatic growth.  The structured framework helps to ensure a process that is safe, but it also provides the flexibility necessary for following the child’s creative processing and use of varied activities at a pace that is safe and tolerable.”

William Steele, PsyD, MSW
Founder, The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children


INspiring Connection with HeART
Date: January 31, 2021
Time: 10:00 - 4:00
Location: ON-LINE - Zoom 
Cost: $170

Description: In this workshop we are invited to turn our attention to that which inspires us.  With simple art invitations, we will explore inspiration through music, poetry and art.  The hope is that we will leave this brief journey together feelings a little more alive, connected, and inspired.

The Experience of Self-Compassion through Expressive Parts:
Blending Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Expressive Arts (EXA)
Dates: March 13 & 14, 2021
Time: 10:00 - 4:00
Location: ON-LINE - Zoom
Cost: $350

Description: This 2 day workshop brings together two beautiful ways of working.  IFS is a mindful, self-compassionate way of understanding
ourselves as humans.  Expressive arts allows us to deepen our way of being and expressing ourselves in the world.  IFS & EXA, when blended, provides a truly powerful somatic approach to personal and professional growth.  This experiential workshop will introduce participants to a blended version of these two ways of working with ourselves through the use of music, mindfulness, movement, creative writing, voice, and art.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Trauma Training - New Dates!


Small Group Training - Space Limited!

Three Day Training in Body-Focused Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents

When: September 24 - 26, 2020
Where: 57 Bearspaw Summit Place, Calgary, AB 
Cost: $560 on or before August 25, 2020 & $600 after
Payment Methods: e-transfer or cheques 

Overview: This three day training will provide participants with a comprehensive framework for treating traumatized children & teens. This four- phase, resource-oriented model is grounded in attachment theory, the psychophysiology of trauma, CBT, and expressive arts therapy. It is based on Carmen’s book, “Expressive Arts Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents: A Four-Phase Model”.

Training Objectives: To provide a practical, structured framework that guides assessment & treatment processes. To learn structured, arts-based, sensory interventions to effectively treat key trauma reactions and promote self-regulation. To increase clinical skills such as working with a resource-oriented lens, tracking client sensory processes, & working with the body, art & relationship.

About the four-phase model: “Although rich with creative activities, the author quickly establishes that these are not to be approached as a ‘recipe’ of activities to pick and choose from, but as strategically placed activities to support the larger picture of helping children develop the resilience needed to experience posttraumatic growth.  The structured framework helps to ensure a process that is safe, but it also provides the flexibility necessary for following the child’s creative processing and use of varied activities at a pace that is safe and tolerable.”

William Steele, PsyD, MSW
Founder, The National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children

Saturday, 16 May 2020

***NEW DATES FOR 2021***

We will continue to offer the following programs in-person for 2021:

1.  Expressive Arts Training - Level One Certificate, January - June 2021

January 15-17
February 6 & 7
March 6 & 7
March 27 & 28
May 1 & 2
May 29 & 30

2.  Expressive Arts Training - Level One Certificate Immersion, Calgary, AB

First Immersion Dates:  April 9 - 16, 2021
Second Immersion Week:  July 4 - 10, 2021

3.  Expressive Arts Training - Level Two Certificate (2 classes offered in 2021!!)

June 11 - 24, 2021
June 11 - Friday 
June 12 - Saturday 
June 13 - Sunday
June 14 - Monday 

June 16 - Wednesday
June 17 - Thursday 
June 18 - Friday 
June 19 - Saturday 

June 21 - Monday 
June 22 - Tuesday 
June 23 - Wednesday 
June 24 - Thursday 

August 4 - 17, 2021

August 4 -Wednesday
August 5 - Thursday
August 6 - Friday
August 7 - Saturday

Day Off - August 8

August 9 - Monday 
August 10 - Tuesday
August 11 - Wednesday 
August 12 - Thursday

Day Off - August 13th

August 14 - Saturday 
August15 - Sunday
August 16 - Monday
August 17 - Tuesday

**Please contact Carmen at for further information or registration.

Training Program Changes 2020 - 2021

Please note that there have been many changes to the training programs due to the impact of the pandemic on gatherings of all kinds.  Change.  And so, we have made changes.  The current Level One Certificate will be completed on-line.  The remainder of programs will be postponed until 2021.  Going with the flow of change has not been without grief and challenges.  Change invited me to hold close the following words by Danna Faulds in her poem,


There is no controlling life.
Try corralling a lightning bolt,
containing a tornado. Dam a
stream, and it will create a new
channel. Resist, and the tide
will sweep you off your feet.
Allow, and grace will carry
you to higher ground. The only
safety lies in letting it all in—
the wild with the weak; fear,
fantasies, failures and success.
When loss rips off the doors of
the heart, or sadness veils your
vision with despair, practice
becomes simply bearing the truth.
In the choice to let go of your
known way of being, the whole
world is revealed to your new eyes.

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Introductory Workshop in Expressive Arts

One Day Workshop in Expressive Arts

Friday, October 2, 2020

-an experiential day of expressive arts for therapy, education, and community building
-excellent introduction for therapists, child care workers, nurses, social workers, psychologists, art therapists and educators
-an opportunity to personally explore how the arts may be used both individually and in group format 

Date: Friday, October 2, 2020
Time: 9:30 - 4:30
Location: 57 Bearspaw Summit Place
Cost: $175 on or before September 7, 2020 and $195 after
To Register:

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

One Day Workshop in Dance Movement Therapy

with Dr. Marja Cantell

The Moving Body:  Applications of Dance Movement Therapy into your Expressive Arts Practice

Date: Saturday, March 28, 2020
Time: 9:30 - 4:30
Location: TBA
Cost: $170 (e-transfer to email below) on or before March 1, 2020 and $195 after March 1st.
To Register or for further info:

Come join Marja for this one day refresher/introductory workshop in dance movement therapy.  Whether you are looking to refresh your skills or this is your first taste of dance movement therapy, you are welcome!

The primary goal of the day is to experience for yourself, how to apply dance/movement with different client groups.  The day is based on the idea of a creative movement cycle: beginning from a range of warm ups, witnessing movement qualities, choosing suitable themes and finding a shared ending for your own sessions. The day will empower you to tune into each person’s unique choreography and how the creative movement process can be applied in the context of an Expressive Arts practice. 

Marja Cantell, PhD Psychology (University of Lancaster, UK), Postgraduate Diploma in Dance Movement Therapy (Roehampton University, UK) and Postdoctorate in Human Movement Science (UWA, Australia). Her multidisciplinary research on motor development and research capacity building among health care professionals has been published for example in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal, Research in Developmental Disabilities and Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. In 2000, she was a co-founding member of the Finnish Dance Therapy Association. For many years, she danced in MoMo Dance Theatre in Calgary, Canada. Since 2010 she lives in the Netherlands and works as Assistant Professor in Inclusive and Special Needs Education at the University of Groningen, and as research coach and teacher in the Master of Arts Therapies, Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam. In her private practice she applies the concept of ‘Movement for All’ (